F5 Consulting Services, how to contact them?

F5 Consulting Services at Austral Tech, are provided by Engineers and Consultants that have worked for F5 Networks directly on support and Professional Services positions. Therefore, they know the products inside out. Austral Tech’s expertise, also includes AWS/DevOps/Cloud and Security.

F5 Certified

F5 Consulting Services certified

Austral Tech’s experts hold the following F5 certifications:

F5-CA (F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator).

Engineers with this certification, can independently perform day-to-day operations and troubleshooting of TMOS-based devices, in various application environments, after it has been installed, configured, and implemented.

LTM F5 Certified Technology Specialist

This certification indicates that our Experts are able to design, implement, maintain, optimize, and troubleshoot advanced BIG-IP LTM product features to enhance the effectiveness of an application delivery network.

Most importantly, Engineers holding this certification, understand the underlying principles of BIG-IP LTM and can integrate specific BIG-IP LTM technologies with other platforms and products.

ASM F5 Certified Technology Specialist

As our engineers hold this certification they can:

  • Determine and implement an appropriate, application-specific BIG-IP ASM deployment model (policies) or architecture (scale).
  • Create a BIG-IP ASM configuration/design to secure applications according to needs and requirements.
  • Customize a BIG-IP ASM policy for a web application.
  • Identify where to integrate BIG-IP ASM, into the data flow by understanding the interrelation between BIG-IP ASM and the network architecture.
F5 consulting services

APM F5 Certified Technology Specialist

Our engineers understand, how BIG-IP APM interacts with industry remote access, authentication, and authorization standards, and can independently install, configure, implement, troubleshoot (advanced), maintain, and upgrade BIG-IP APM in various application environments.

GTM (DNS) F5 Certified Technology Specialist

Our Consultants are able to understand, the operation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol, deploy and test configurations, and troubleshoot and remedy common misconfigurations.

Security F5 Certified Solution Expert

This certification validates our top consultants have experience designing security solutions leveraging BIG-IP LTM, BIG-IP DNS, BIG-IP ASM, BIG-IP APM, BIG-IP AFM, BIG-IQ modules, IP Intelligence (IPI), WebSafe, and MobileSafe.

Besides that, we can analyze technical requirements, translate them into security requirements, apply and modify security architectures utilizing F5 technology to meet the requirements, and articulate the value of the solution.

Most importantly, at Austral Tech we can help you with any F5 products: (LTM, GTM (DNS), ASM, AFM, Cloud, etc), Infrastructure, Linux, Cloud, Security and Networking requirements.

We have experience migrating applications to the Cloud and have worked with top FTSE 100 British Banks and companies worldwide.

So, feel free to check our website and contact us if you need any F5 Consulting Services for your Networking requirements.