At Austral Tech, F5 Professionals
Austral Tech is a leading company which specializes in delivering Support and Professional Services related to ADCs (Application Delivery Controllers).
Because our focus is the ADC market, you can expect the highest level of quality on our services. We are expert on Support, Design and Datacenter migrations related to ADC and Load balancers.
Our engineers and consultants are certified to the highest certification level achievable (F5 Certified Expert, 401) on the F5 Certification Program.
Austral Tech has been founded by Oscar Pucheta, who has more than seven years of experience working exclusively with F5 Neworks Products. You can check Oscar’s LinkedIn profile here.
Austral Tech Networks S.A. is a company registered in Panama under the laws with Registration NumberĀ 155762914 and Registered offices in: BELLA VISTA, CALLE 53 – WORLD TRADE CENTER, CALLE 53, MARBELLA, PANAMA